Free Bass Lessons
All free bass lessons available on the website are sutable for beginners.

How To Write A Bass Line: Connecting Chords
Learn in this lesson how to write a bass line that connects chords played in the backing track. This is lesson is suitable for beginners.

Funk Bass Groove – Easy
Learn how to play an easy funk bass groove and practice time keeping and playing behind the beat. Backing track & tabs included.

How To Jam On Bass
There is an easy 3 step process that you can follow to jam with your favorite songs on bass. Learn it here.

Easy Bass Ballad
In this free bass lesson, you’ll learn how to play an easy bass ballad. This lesson is suitable for absolute beginners on bass.

Keeping Time: Metronome Practice
In this free bass lesson, you’ll practice keeping time. There are 5 exercises that you can do with the metronome to get better.

Beginner Bass: Whole Notes Country
In this free bass lesson, I’m going to practice playing whole notes on bass along with a country backing track.

Root & 5th Bass Lines
In this lesson, we’re going back to basics to shine a spotlight on this must-have bass skill – playing root & 5ths on bass.

Straight Eighths Rock with a Pick
In this lesson we’re going to take a step back into reality and work on what you’ll spend most of time playing with any rock band.

Simple Blues Bass Lick That You Can Re-use
In this lesson, you’re going to learn a neat blues bass lick that you can re-use – I call it the Texas Bluff.

Easy Blues Bass Riff That Works Every Time
This lesson is about improvising in the blues style. You can actually use this pattern as a foundation for ALL the blues bass lines.

E7 Slap Bass Groove with Open Strings
I just wrote an easy slap bass groove featuring open strings that you can use for practicing slap and pop technique on bass. There are also hammer-ons and pull-offs, commonly used techniques in slap bass playing style.

Beginner Ska Bass Lines Writing Formula
In this lesson, I’ll show you how you build walking ska bass lines using a simple formula. This works pretty much over any chord progression that get’s thrown at you.

Walking Bass Improvisation For Beginners
Walking bass improvisation lesson for beginner bass players. Learn how to improvise walking bass lines just by looking at the chords progression.

Blues Bass Backing Track -12 Bar Blues in G
Here we have a tasty blues bass backing track to jam over.The tempo is 85 BPM.This is a 12 bar blues progression in the key of G.

Funky Bass Lick Turnaround
Here we have a funky bass turnaround lick that you can use to spice up your grooves. It starts with two ghost notes that are played using raking technique and then there is a cool lick that uses slide in combination with raking techniques all within a single left-hand shape.

Ghost (dead) Notes on Bass Lesson
Okay, so I wanted to make a really handy lesson for you on how to play ghost notes on the bass. Ghost notes are like a secret to groovy bass playing and all real bass players play ghost notes all over the place. This technique is a must-have for any bass player, there’s no way around it.

How To Play Ghost Notes On Bass
In my honest opinion, no matter of the style you play, you can’t go not knowing how to play ghost notes on the bass.