Bass Guitar blog
Bass tips, ideas & motivation.

What Bass and Tennis Have In Common?
There are fundamental concepts that make you a good tennis player which apply to bass too. Follow these steps to become a better bass player.

How To Get Better At Keeping Rhythm
This post will help you with tips on what to practice to get better at keeping rhythm on bass. As a bass player, you need to be good at this.

10 Easy Bass Riffs (Songs to Learn)
This is a list of beginner bass songs that are featuring easy bass riffs. These are must-learn how to play iconic riffs on bass.

Played A Huge Festival Gig On A $120 Cheap Bass AND This Happened
In this post, I share with you my experience of how it was to play a major gig as a beginner bass player with a $120 cheap bass in my hands.

Record Bass At Home – 3 Ways To Do It
If you’re a bass player, you need to learn how to record bass at home. It’s a super useful skill to have under your belt.

How To Sound Confident On Bass
If you lack confidence performing bass lines, do these 4 things and your playing will sound more confident. Works even if you’re a beginner.

Top 5 Beginner Bass Techniques
These are the 5 most essential beginner bass techniques that you simply must learn when learning how to play bass guitar.

Accelerate Your Bass Practice
A hack that will make your bass practice 10x more effective. Learn how to get more out of each practice session and get in 110% focus mode.

Bass Rhythm Comes First
If you’re a beginner on bass, you’re probably wondering when should you start looking into practicing rhythm?

Beginner Bass – 5 Things You Need to Learn
Learn 5 beginner bass things you should learn first when just getting started on bass to make sure you’re on the right path.