Easy Blues Bass Riff That Works Every Time

Easy Blues Bass Riff That Works Every Time

Easy Blues Bass Riff That Works Every Time When it comes down to getting into styles you never played before, like playing blues bass, the transition can feel truly intimidating. For starters, you’ve never done it before so it’s kinda confusing where to start.  ...
E7 Slap Bass Groove with Open Strings

E7 Slap Bass Groove with Open Strings

E7 Slap Bass Groove with Open Strings I just wrote an easy slap bass groove featuring open strings that you can use for practicing slap and pop technique on bass. There are also hammer-ons and pull-offs, commonly used techniques in slap bass playing style. The groove...
Beginner Ska Bass Lines Writing Formula

Beginner Ska Bass Lines Writing Formula

Beginner Ska Bass Lines Writing Formula In this lesson, I’ll show you how you build walking ska bass lines using a simple formula. This works pretty much over any chord progression that get’s thrown at you. There are few things on bass that instantly make you a...
Walking Bass Improvisation For Beginners

Walking Bass Improvisation For Beginners

Walking Bass Improvisation For Beginners In this lesson, I’ll show you how easy it is to get started with walking bass. This is my cheating guide that you can use to finally get walkin’ just like the jazz bass cats. Improvisation, I know, a big word to put in the same...
12 Most Difficult RHCP Songs On Bass

12 Most Difficult RHCP Songs On Bass

12 Most Difficult RHCP Songs On Bass I thought it would be fun to put Flea in a spotlight and make a list of Red Hot Chili Peppers songs that are hard to play on bass. I’ve spent years playing in a band whose setlist consists mostly of RHCP covers. So this list...