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  What you’ll learn

  • Gain necessary foundations in the walking bass style
  • Be able to improvise walking bass lines on the spot
  • Be able to jam with fellow musicians
  • Become familiar with light theory concepts such as intervals on bass
  • Learn to compose walking bass lines
  • How to successfully perform 2 Feel and 4 Feel walking bass lines
  • Become more familiar with bass fretboard
  • Be able to jam over supplied jazz style backing tracks

Course Description (click to expand)

Always wanted to learn how to play walking bass, but it was too difficult?

This course is a follow up to my most popular “Walking Bass – Quick Start Guide” course.

In this course, I’ll take you further and you’ll learn how to strategically compose cool sounding walking bass lines from scratch. Yes – you’ll be COMPOSING and IMPROVISING on your OWN! By the end of the course, I guarantee that you’ll be able to do it!

In this course, I’ll show you a strategic and simple way to construct and improvise walking bass lines right there on the spot using chord tones and different intervals. The concepts are easy to understand and it’s something all bass pros know about, but rarely share. It took me years to figure out what I’m about to show you, and you’ll be able to learn it in just a few weeks of practice. You’ll then have a new bass skill that will stay with you forever and you’ll be proud of it – I’m sure.

This course is shot in HD video and features quality bass playing audio mixed with the backing tracks. The course is split into eight chapters, each adding a new note to our “easy walking bass” strategy. This means that each chapter is very doable – you just need a bit of practice but you’ll understand concepts involved immediately.

This course includes:

  • PDF, Guitar Pro tabs for each playing example
  • Interactive backing track videos for jamming and practice
  • English subtitles
  • Unlimited help and instructor feedback
  • Walking bass pro tricks & strategies
  • Fun playing examples

I want you to know that it is important to me to hear back from you, while you’re going through the course. This is why I’d like to encourage you to send me messages anytime, I’ll be responding quickly (usually the same day!). Also, I’d like to ask you to record audio files or videos (you can post videos on Youtube and share the link) and send them to me for feedback.

This course is designed as a walking bass fundamentals tutorial. We won’t be going into any complicated theory and walking bass concepts – I’ll just show you stuff that you really have to know to be able to enjoy walking bass. You’ll learn walking bass essentials and basics. Everything else, when it comes to walking bass, just builds up on this foundation that you’ll gain. I’ll show you fundamentals that’ll enable you to enjoy walking bass as a playing style and unlock your improvisation ability on bass.

Walking bass sounds impressive, so this is an amazing skill to have. There is no magic behind it, rather simple ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately to understand which notes you can play over which chords.

This course does not rely on music theory much. You’ll learn some theory related concepts such as intervals that you have to know in order to enjoy walking bass, but I tried to skip theory that you don’t actually need to know. This is a problem of many other walking bass courses out there, as those just dig too deep into music theory that it becomes boring and mind-boggling too soon. You’ll just need to have a very basic understanding of how to find certain notes on the fretboard (usually just in most often used positions on the neck) and be able to play quarter notes steadily. Since walking bass heavily relies on chords, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of chords and root notes, but we cover those topics within the course so you can just dig into it and ask me questions along the way if something is not clear.

Please send me your feedback about the course. What did you like? What did you not like? How could I improve it? Your feedback means a lot to me and I need to in order to better shape the course content for YOU in the future.




Who this course is for:

  • Bass players looking to learn to play walking bass
  • Bass players struggling to jam over blues and jazz backing tracks
  • Those bass players who would like to enrich their styles vocabulary
  • Regular folks just looking to have fun on the bass
  • Bass players that are having trouble composing on bass
  • This course is not for those bass players who are already well versed in jazz walking bass style
  • This course is not for students attending Berklee or any other famous music school, studying “Whiplash” style
  • This course is not for you if you are a jazz-walking-bass-wizard / live performer.

Course Content