Bass To The Future

Back The Future is a movie trilogy that has left a strong influence on me when I was growing up and I feel a strong nostalgic rush nowadays every time I watch the movies.
I’m really a movies junkie and I grew up watching movies every day with my father.
Having said this, watching Back To The Future is something I’d never get bored with.
Last year, there was an exclusive screening of the Back To The Future trilogy in local cinemas on 21st of October 2015 – that is the famous Back To The Future Day, the day when Marty McFly travels to the future in the second movie.
It was a great chance for me to see the movie in a theater, as I never got a chance to see it that way when I was a kid.
The theme song called “Power Of Love” by Huey Lewis is really a perfect song for the movie.
I can only imagine how cool it was for Huey at the time to have his brand new song blast off into the future, riding on the wings of the blockbuster movie, never expecting an eternal glory.
The song is perfectly funky and has a great groove.
Even though the song might appear to be a great choice for guitarists to funk it out, it also features a great bass line.
For the occasion of Back To The Future day, I’ve decided to learn how to play this song on bass and shoot a video for it.
I’ve improvised a bit and inserted some funky octaves and ghost notes to make the groove stand out and shot a video the same day.
Check out my video, I really hope I did justice to it.
By the way, there are a few more cool songs from the trilogy – check them out:
p.s. Knowing how big of a fan I am, I had one of my students surprise me with this photo montage: