E7 Slap Bass Groove with Open Strings

I just wrote an easy slap bass groove featuring open strings that you can use for practicing slap and pop technique on bass. There are also hammer-ons and pull-offs, commonly used techniques in slap bass playing style.

The groove is in E7, and I’ve incorporated octave movement on the fretboard so that you can get used to slapping and popping in different positions. The feeling and tension when using these techniques high up above the 12th fret is very different.

These kinds of octave licks in the line can be used to create an epic sounding bass groove and fill a lot of sonic space. That’s very useful in case you’re playing in a funk trio setting. Since the lick is in the key of E, you’ll be using open strings quite a bit.

Before we get started, make sure you grab a handy FREE PDF and Backing Tracks package that you can download on your computer and use for practice: click here to get it.

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Tab legend:

S – slap
P – pop
H – hammer-on
P above “arch” – pull-off

Full Band Performance Audio:

Bass Only Performance Audio:

Need backing track for practice? Download it here for free.

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Techniques used in this lick:

  • Slap technique
  • Pop technique
  • Hammer-ons
  • Pull-offs
  • Legato

To play the lick correctly, you need to have notes ringing out after you play them. Be careful with your fretting hand, not to mute the strings unintentionally while switching positions.

The tempo is nice and easy 75 BPM. Listen to the drums to get in the groove, and don’t rush it. Try to stay slightly behind the beat to find the pocket for this one.

You can download the backing track for practice in the free lesson resources package. Click here to get it along with a printable PDF tab.

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Alright, I hope you’ll find this groove fun for practicing slap bass.

If you’re starting and need help with learning how to slap, then I suggest you take a look at my Slap Bass For Beginners course.

This course is my personal guide to slap bass technique and playing style. You’ll learn everything you need to know about slap bass technique, enough to get you started in a matter of weeks.

Yes, you CAN SLAP TOO! Believe it or not. I’ll show you all the standard slap techniques in detail, with close-ups and I’ll also share secrets and tricks that bass teachers often skip to tell us!

I guarantee that you’ll be able to learn how to slap with the help of this course.

Click here to check it out: Slap Bass For Beginners course.

The course is available in the Bass Road Academy:

YES – I wanna learn how to slap!

Suggested Bass Courses


Slap Bass For Beginners

Learn Slap Bass from scratch! This slap bass fundamentals course helps you get funky and stand out from the crowd.

If you enjoy practicing bass, there are more online bass courses & resources included in the Bass Road Academy.

These courses cover important concepts such as walking bass, blues lines, slap technique, left and right hand technique, dynamics, and so on.

It’s all carefully designed in a step-by-step manner, so you’ll know exactly what to work on from the get-go.

Go here to check out the available courses and get instant access:

Online Bass Courses Library>>

Alright, hope you’ve found this lesson to be helpful.

Keep grooving,


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