Beginner Bass: Whole Notes Country

Beginner Bass: Whole Notes Country

Beginner Bass: Whole Notes Country There’s a thing when you’re just starting out on bass: it’s so easy to get distracted. You really got to have a well-structured program to follow. That is if you want to make somewhat quick progress and get to the level where you can...
Accelerate Your Bass Practice

Accelerate Your Bass Practice

Accelerate Your Bass Practice In this post I wanted to share with you a hack that will make your bass practice 10x more effective. At the same time it’ll be much more motivating to practice that way. This one is real easy and if you do it, you’ll find out it can be...
Root & 5th Bass Lines

Root & 5th Bass Lines

Root & 5th Bass Lines I find it quite surprising that there is one thing that pretty much all pro bass players do so well, and it’s so apparent that somehow it gets overlooked?! Those learning to play bass or even in local bands and being “semi-pro” are somehow...